Have you hit hard times financially? There are many sources of short-term cash to consider, but they can be out of reach when you don’t have a lot of credit or income to show.
One thing not to overlook is the possibility of getting money through jewelry loans. This article walks you through what that would look like.
Your Loan
You can get jewelry loans through a jewelry specialist or pawn shop, for starters.…
Are you already making plans for the Christmas holidays? Perhaps you have included making your own jewelry to use as Christmas gifts. If that is the case, from purchasing beads to selecting rhinestones that are sold online, here are some ideas on how to be ready ahead of time:
Start With A Written List - Before you even start shopping for supplies, write down of all of those who will be recipients of your handcrafted jewelry.…
Buying a piece of jewelry that features a diamond is one of the biggest investments that you’ll make in life. As such, this isn’t a purchase that you want to rush into. Whether you’re buying an engagement ring to give to your future spouse or you’re treating yourself to a pair of sparkly earrings, you should pledge to only shop with a reputable diamond dealer who can make you feel confident about what you’re buying.…